Once you have created your tileset, you need to use it! When creating a new map, the third option down on the left side lets you choose what tileset the map uses. You can also choose to make your tileset either Field Type or Area Type - you should usually only use Field Type for your world map tileset and Area Type for everything else. There are some more advanced buttons on the right for things like making directional-passability for a tile that you can only walk onto from the left side, making a counter tile that you can talk across if there's an NPC on the other side, and making a damage tile that hurts the player if stepped on. Once you've chosen the graphic files you will need to mark whether each tile is passable or not, with an X or an O. The type A graphic files are for the ground and walls, and the type B/C/D/E graphic files are for objects that can appear on top of the ground and walls. You can choose the 10 graphic files there for each tileset. You'll now have several new tilesets, which start out blank, with no name and no graphic files. Click the "Change Maximum." button at the bottom and give yourself a few more tilesets. I recommend leaving those alone until you get the hang of the program, and making a new fifth one. You will see a list in there of your existing tilesets - RPG Maker VX Ace comes with only four tilesets built in. They're for your title screen :) Once you've imported the graphics, you need to make a tileset using them. The Graphics/Tilesets part of the Resource Manager is where you want to import them. You can use the Resource Manager to import graphic files into your game, if you have ones that you've created or downloaded. So you are basically choosing which graphic files you want to use together in a single room. A single room or map in your game can only use one tileset.

It sounds like you're using RPG Maker VX Ace? In VX Ace you can create tilesets made of up to 10 different graphic files - each graphic file contains about 64 tiles.